Tag Archives: Woody Hayes

Friends Commit To New HTHS Field

9 Feb

In the unlikely event that you haven’t heard, there are plans in the works to build a new artificial turf field at Harrison Trimble High School. The Friends of the Trojans think the opportunity to have this facility at our school is a great thing. When we were approached by the Woody Hayes Field Committee we came forth with a big show of support…25,000 big, actually!

In a bold move the committee has promised $25,000 towards the field’s costs over the next 5 years. Just to be clear, we don’t have this money to give yet. We are pledging to work hard through our fundraising efforts to meet this total. The decision to do this, to give every penny that was asked of us, was not an easy one to make. It may mean sacrificing some of our other worthy contributions. This is the most money the group has ever committed before. So it’s understandable that at the Friends meeting there was some back and forth “discussion” that took place (I still have the bite marks)! But the members felt confident that the construction of this new field is the most important thing to happen at HTHS in our time here, and we want to be a part of it.

It’s easy to single out the sports teams as being the big winners with having this facility in their backyard, but there are less obvious blessings as well. The field will be a lasting source of pride-it will showcase HTHS to it’s many visitors; it will promote fundraising opputunities; it’ll be a gathering place for the Trojan community. My daughter is already excited about what it will be like hosting Homecoming next year at our brand  new shiny facility!

Above all else, what convinced the Friends of the Trojans to go ahead with a commitment of this size was what we’re hearing from everyone else – the parents, students, alumini  and Trimble supporters. People told us again and again that the new Woody Hayes field was a top priority that they strongly supported. So with a determined group this size behind us we’re ready to unveil our big spring fundraiser. It’s going to be a big deal…something totally new that we haven’t done before! Stay tuned!