Tag Archives: Alumni Tailgate Party

School Year Has Begun

11 Sep

The new school year has begun at Harrison Trimble, and so have the Friends of the Trojans! The inaugural meeting of the 2012-13 school year was held on Sept. 10th, and the returning members were glad to welcome many new faces to the group. It’s always fun to bring in new members and have a fresh outlook, and everyone is re-energized with new ideas around the table. If you missed the meeting but still want to participate, don’t fret, it’s never too late. The Friends next meeting is scheduled for 7pm on Tuesday, October 2nd, and takes place as always in the HTHS staff room across from the office. If you have any questions feel free to email President Karen Foster <karenfos5@hotmail.com> or Vice President Kim Boucher <rodkim@rogers.com>.

Our first announcement is that the Friends will be hosting the HTHS Alumni Homecoming Tail Gate Party. This hugely popular event takes place on the Friday before Thanksgiving, Oct 5th, and coincides with “Homecoming” football games. The get together is at Rocky Stone Field at the Moncton Football Asscociation’s SportHall. There are a limited number of tickets for this, so if you are interested in scoring some you can email one of the Friends’ executive above and reserve some today. The tickets are $25, and that will get you Molson beverages and Vito’s food and access to the best party in town. We’ll have more details for you soon.