Lucky Winner Announced At Course Fair

3 Mar

Ticket Giveaway at Career FairWith the date for Casino Night and Auction fast approaching, a couple of us Friends set up camp at the HTHS Course Fair. We offered a chance to win free tickets for the March 23rd event, and many of you stopped by and filled out a ballot. We’re happy to announce that from those entries a lucky winner was drawn! Congrats to Kyle Graham, you’ve won 2 free tickets.

Hey, free tickets are great, but what makes this even better is that with each ticket you receive $100 of Casino chips! Depending on if you’re able to hang onto that stash or make it bigger at our HTHS Casino, then you’ll have the chance to exchange those chips for prizes. Who knows, maybe Mr. Graham will walk away with a 55 inch big screen TV for the trouble of filling out a ballot!

Not everyone that walked by filled out a ballot. I guess they were skeptical about entering a draw, fearful they would somehow get swindled in the deal.  They acted nervously and tried to avoid eye contact with us. When we asked, “would you like to fill out a ballot to win?” they jumped back defensively, clutching their purses or wallets for dear life.

I’m not sure why but I came up with 4 possibilities.

  1. They were burned in their past! They’re thinking “I know how this works…I go to pick up discount Disney tickets than I sit through a 45 minute pitch where they try to sell me on a timeshare condo!” Their motto: I won’t get fooled again!
  2. They’ve become disillusioned with free draws! They flashback to that time when they filled out a ballot for an iPad…spent hours researching all the best apps for it, waited by the phone for the call. They had their heart set on it, and when they don’t win something inside them just dies.
  3. They’re paranoid about signing their name. You put your name on a ballot and next thing you know the government is fracking for natural gas in your backyard.
  4. They’re suspicious of us. They wonder, “what do they want in return?” If you suspect that we have an ulterior motive, I must confess you’re right! There is something we want, and here it is. We want to let you know about our big fundraiser, Casino Night and Auction, coming up! We want to spread the word so everyone knows about it.

I want to applaud the students and their parents that attended the Course Fair this evening. Great job in taking time to think about your future careers, starting with selecting courses that will get you there. Earlier that day I’d had the opportunity to present at a business workshop. One of the other presenters said something that would make for a great quote to put on a T-Shirt…

“The world is run by those who show up!”

She was stressing the importance of being involved-specifically to join groups with similiar goals, and add your voice to make things happen in your favour. I think the words apply equally to career and business. Success doesn’t just depend on what you know or how well you do something, but also on the people that you are connected to.

Parents, this is a great lesson for our kids. Sign up, get involved, raise your hand! Get to know people and let them get to know you! Being part of a great network is a sure way to help achieve the career of your dreams!

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